Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Presents Awards At Inner Flame Celebration Event

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson & his wife Kate were delighted to celebrate the latest wave of Inner Flame Young Champions at a recent dinner at the Hilton Hotel in Swindon.

Inner Flame works with young jobseekers to help them build their confidence and reach their full potential. The organisation offers free courses, establishes personal goals and assists young people to make positive life choices.

Justin has been personally involved with Inner Flame for a number of years. In 2011 he secured a donation for the charity, and since then he has also met with young people who have benefited from its help and presented awards to them, as well as supporting the fantastic work Inner Flame does.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “Having grown up at a school where many young people weren’t given many opportunities, I saw a number of my friends go down the wrong path with some ending up in prison. Since becoming an MP I have worked hard to ensure that everybody, regardless of background, is given the opportunity to succeed in life. Organisations like Inner Flame help to provide the right guidance and advice to ensure that young people seize those opportunities. That’s why I have supported them for a number of years and enjoyed meeting this year’s Young Champions.”

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