Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Showcases Swindon To Sporting World

Justin Tomlinson MP with the delegation at Esprit

Justin Tomlinson MP hosted a keynote visit by senior national sports representatives to highlight two of Swindon’s most successful sport and leisure projects.

The Sport and Recreation Alliance, who led the delegation of national bodies, were particularly interested in examples of joint working, where Council facilities had been transformed by sporting groups and the community.

Justin, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Leisure, chose to showcase two of Swindon’s success stories: Esprit Gymnastics in Upper Stratton and the Highworth Recreation Centre.

Esprit started off in an industrial unit, where a lack of space and parking limited numbers to around 300-400 a week. Director Mark Hows had long been looking for an alternative location, but it wasn’t until he and Swindon Borough Council worked together that a venue was found.

The former Headlands School site was due to be bulldozed and along with it, a two year old purpose built sports hall. By working together, Esprit and the Council identified the hall as being a perfect location for Esprit to take on. The sports hall was saved from demolition, Esprit now has Olympic-standard facilities and 2000 local children a week pass through the club.

Justin Tomlinson MP, who helped broker the deal when still a Councillor, commented “Esprit is a real success story and an example of where the Council as facilitator and a sports group can work together to produce a beacon of success. Esprit’s very own Olympian will be representing her country in London this month.

“Everyone gains, Mark has a new home for his vibrant and successful club, the Council has an income from something that was to be bulldozed and above all, local children have access to world class sporting facilities.”

In Highworth too, the Rec is a big local success thanks to a partnership between the local community and Swindon Borough Council. The improved facilities are now used by increasing numbers of local people.

Justin said “It is great to see the Rec going from strength to strength. Putting a roof on the pool was one of the best things the Council could have done as now the facility is accessible all year round. The new gym is a fantastic addition and the trampolining club seems popular with Highworth’s younger people. The Rec really is now a facility that the whole community can use.

“Swindon can be exceptionally proud of its huge success in sport and leisure. These two facilities, and the way all the partners have come together, are beacons of success, and I am delighted that they’re receiving the national recognition they so richly deserve”.

Mark Hows of Esprit talks to the delegation

The delegation meet with Kirsty Farrow who runs a dance academy
at the Esprit site

The delegation visit the Highworth Rec

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