Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Speaks At Business Breakfast

Justin Tomlinson speaking at a business event earlier in the year

Justin Tomlinson MP joined his South Swindon colleague Robert Buckland MP at a business breakfast organised by local businessmen.  Held at the Blunsdon House Hotel, the breakfast event was a great opportunity for a wide range of local businesses to raise concerns with their MPs and discuss ideas as to what would help their businesses grow.

Discussion centred around business rates on empty property but also touched on aspects of planning, policing and the European Union.

Justin Tomlinson MP spoke on the economy and jobs, discussing the work the Government is doing to create jobs, apprenticeships and opportunities to help people get back into work. In answering questions, Justin also talked about the need for incentives to get new businesses into empty premises and the difference a better provision of advice on business finance basics could make to start up businesses.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “As a former small business owner myself, I have first hand experience of the sorts of problems small business owners face.  It is vital to meet with local business owners on a regular basis to ensure we are working with them to help them drive the local economy and create jobs.”

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