Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Speaks Out Against Japanese Whaling

Justin Tomlinson MP supporting a recent Wildlife Trust campaign to protect
the seas and the wildlife in it

Justin Tomlinson MP today wrote to the Japanese Ambassador to highlight concern at the continued practice of Japanese whaling following the Japanese whaling fleet setting sail for Antarctica and harpooning hundreds of whales.

In the letter, Justin raised the concern that this was yet another commercial whale hunt in breach of international law and not the scientific venture that the Japanese government claims.  Very little scientidic research is produced in Japan, whilst whale meat is widely sold.  Crucially, the whaling industry is dependent on state funding for its survival.

Justin Tomlinson MP "This recent information about continued Japanese whaling activity is particularly concerning as the fleet were targetting 50 fin whales, an endangered species.  There is no humane way to kill a whale, harpooned whales can take over half an hour to die and this is really distressing.  I call on the Japanese government to recall the fleet and end their commercial whaling."

The UK Government is firmly committed to opposing commercial whaling, taking a lead at the International Whaling Commission and regularly raising the issue with Japanese ministers.


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