Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports Call To End Animal Testing For Cosmetics

Justin Tomlinson MP signs up to end animal testing for cosmetics by 2013

Justin Tomlinson MP is joining the BUAV in marking the first anniversary of the No Cruel Cosmetics campaign to end animal testing for toiletries and cosmetic products sold in the EU.

Despite UK and EU bans on animal testing for cosmetics, products can still be tested on animals in other parts of the world and then imported and sold in the EU. A marketing ban which would end this cruelty is due to come into effect in 2013. However, it is now in danger of being delayed, thereby putting thousands more animals at risk, who will continue to suffer and die needlessly in cruel tests for new beauty products sold in the EU.

A delay could mean that hundreds of thousands more rabbits, guinea pigs, mice and rats will be injected, gassed or force-fed cosmetics worldwide for new beauty products sold in the EU, including the UK.

The coming weeks will be critical as an announcement is expected shortly from the European Commission regarding its proposal for the 2013 ban. The BUAV believes, however, that the Commission plans to respond to our pressure by keeping the 2013 deadline, but it may seek to introduce exemptions.

Over one hundred and fifty thousand people across the UK and EU, including Justin Tomlinson MP, have already signed the No Cruel Cosmetics petition which is being sent to the European Parliament. The BUAV petition can be signed at www.NoCruelCosmetics.org.

Justin Tomlinson MP said "This is an issue which I, and my constituents, feel very strongly about. The excellent No Cruel Cosmetics campaign deserves all of our support, to finally implement a ban on the sale of animal tested products."

Michelle Thew, Chief Executive of BUAV, said "We are delighted to have support from Justin Tomlinson MP for our campaign to end cruel tests on animals for beauty products sold in the EU. Testing on animals is cruel and unnecessary. Please sign our petition to the European Parliament at www.nocruelcosmetics.org."


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