Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports FairFuelUK Campaign

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, today urged the Government to implement a fuel duty stabiliser in the forthcoming budget and to take action to help limit the impact of rising fuel prices locally.

Justin said: “Motorists find themselves paying ever higher prices at the pump. It is especially serious for those where cars are essential, either for getting to work, doing the weekly shop, or even enjoying a weekend out with the family.”

And he added: “Small businesses are also exceptionally vulnerable to wildly unstable oil prices. I hope this Government, unlike the previous one, realises assaulting the motorist with unfair fuel duty increases is not the way to keep the wheels of the economy turning.

“That is why I have signed up to the FairFuelUK petition, calling for a fuel duty stabiliser and a decrease in the present level of duty, including a cancellation of Labour's final 1p fuel duty rise. A solution must be found so already squeezed motorists are given a sorely needed break.

"Clearly, the Government is limited in what it can do about rising world oil prices, which given what is happening in the Arab World, may well get worse. However, they can act on fuel taxes and that is what I am fighting for. I am sure we will secure positive action in this area at the Budget, and rightly so.”


George Osborne is due to deliver his budget on 23 March when it is hoped a fuel duty stabiliser will be announced.

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