Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Supports Macmillan Big Coffee Morning

Justin Tomlinson MP with Branch Manager Adam Rowland and Cora
Bauer from Macmillan

Employees in Swindon Barclays took time out for what matters with MP Justin Tomlinson on Friday 28 September, as part of Macmillan Cancer Support’s 22nd World’s Biggest Coffee Morning.

Employees invited MP Justin Tomlinson and the local community to enjoy a slice of something sweet and a cuppa to turn coffee into cash raising £600 for people affected by cancer. Staff members donned their pinnies on the day to serve customers a smile along with tea, coffee and home-made tasty treats.

In 2011 Barclays employees and customers in branches across the UK smashed its fundraising target and raised £630,000 for Macmillan to make sure people living with cancer have the best team in their corner, every step of the way.

Macmillan is banking on Barclays employees again this year to raise money for Macmillan financial grants1. Barclays will be contributing too through its matched fundraising scheme.

Justin Tomlinson, MP says:

“I am delighted to support the Macmillan Big Coffee Morning.  This annual event helps raise vital money to allow Macmillan to make such a valuable difference to the lives of those suffering with cancer and also those that they leave behind.  Barclays’ support of this event is crucial, with them aiming to raise a brilliant £1 million, a real boost to the Macmillan funds.”

Adam Rowland, Swindon Branch Manager from Barclays says:

‘It has been great to be involved in Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning again this year. It was a great day for both colleagues and our customers - it was fantastic to take the time to show the local community why we are supporting Macmillan and the coffee break was just the icing on the cake.’

Carla Morini, Partnership Account Manager from Macmillan Cancer Support says:

‘I’d like to thank all the employees and customers at Barclays in Swindon for taking the time out to support Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning. We hope you enjoyed making your coffee break count. The Macmillan team can’t reach everybody affected by cancer without the help of our corporate partners in the local community who put the kettle on to make a difference.’

Keep following the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning on twitter @macmillancoffee and share your event using the hashtag coffeemorning or find it at facebook.com/macmillancoffee.

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