Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP To Host Free CPR Training For Local Residents

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has joined forces with the British Heart Foundation to provide free CPR training. The MP and local British Heart Foundation Parton, is hosting a ‘Re-Start the Heart’ CPR training event at his constituency office on Friday 20th October from 12-2pm

30,000 people a year have an out of hospital cardiac arrest, but the survival rate is less than 1 in 10. This means that 27,500 people a year are dying from heart attacks, some of whom could be saved if more people knew CPR - this is significantly lower than in countries like Denmark where CPR is more widely known.

The event, which is free and open to everyone, aims to teach people the necessary skills to help someone experiencing a cardiac arrest.

Justin has campaigned vigorously for CPR to be more widely known, and in particular for CPR to be included in the curriculum. In March 2015 Justin convinced the department for education to write to all secondary schools to support the British Heart Foundation’s “Call, Push, Rescue” emergency life-saving skills campaign.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “CPR is a vital skill that everybody should have the opportunity to learn. I lost my dad at an early age when he suffered a huge cardiac arrest. So I want to help create a nation where everybody knows how to save a life, and this is an incredible opportunity for people to learn how to do so. I am very grateful to the British Heart Foundation for running this course, I am delighted to be able to host it in the community office.”

Places on the course are limited and on a first come first served basis. For more information or to book a place, please call 01793 533393 or e-mail bennettk@parliament.uk.


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