Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Urges Young People To Show Parliament What Law They Would Make


Justin Tomlinson MP with Swindon Academy students at a Local Democracy Week event last year

Justin Tomlinson MP today called form Swindon’s young people aged 11-16 to get engaged in the democratic process by entering Lights, Camera, Parliament!, a free film competition run by Parliament’s Education Service.  The competition invites young people to make a three minute film telling Parliament what law they would make.

The popular competition now in its second year has seen previous entrants propose a wide range of legislation including banning size zero models and raising the minimum age of armed forces entry to 21.  Each year the six finalists are invited into Parliament to present their ideas to a judging panel of MPs and Peers and industry professionals. 

Finalists will also have their films screened as part of the Cultural Olympiad project, Arts in Parliament, in Westminster Hall this summer. Winning teams are supported in their future projects by receiving film making equipment and a visit to Pinewood Studios.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “Lights, Camera, Parliament! is a fun and easy and way for young people to learn about Parliament while gaining valuable skills. It is vital that we encourage opportunities that offer young people the chance to speak up about the issues that interest them.

“I have written to all the secondary schools in North Swindon urging them to take part.”

The closing date for entrants is 26 March 2012 with shortlisted candidates announced in May.  Find out more at www.parliament.uk/lightscameraparliament


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