Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Visits App Studio Neon Play

Justin Tomlinson MP and Neon Play CEO Oli Christie

Justin Tomlinson MP today visited app developer Neon Play at their studio in Cirencester. As Vice-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on the Video Games Industry, Justin was keen to see firsthand how games are developed for the rapidly expanding app market.

Justin met with CEO Oli Christie, who started the company two years ago in his own home. It has now grown to employ a team of 14 people. The studio creates apps and games for the iphone, ipad and android markets.

Justin and Oli spoke at length about the apps market. Whilst it is comparatively new, it has already become a fast moving arms race, with studios having to adapt quickly to changing consumer demands and technologies to stay ahead.

For example, demand has more recently shifted to ‘Freemium’ apps, where the base service is available to download free, whilst extras can be purchased. With roughly 2-5% of those who download the free version going on to purchase premium extras, the challenge is to know how to monetise apps effectively to maximise return.

The meeting was an opportunity to discuss how the tax rebate for the video games industry announced in the recent Budget will help developers like Neon Play. Whilst the detail is still being finalised, once implemented, the rebate will allow start-up studios to grow more rapidly and will encourage existing studios to expand, ensuring the UK continues to be at the forefront of this growth industry, creating jobs and growth.

Justin also discussed with Oli the need to encourage more people, especially young people, to start their own businesses. Justin Tomlinson MP said “Neon Play is a fantastic example of how businesses start from an idea and grow. From the first flick football app that Oli came up with in his kitchen, two years down the line he is employing a team of developers and producing 2-3 apps a month. We need to both inspire and encourage young people to take the plunge and turn their ideas into successful businesses, providing them with the support and advice they need to get started. This is an issue I have been championing in Parliament and I will continue to do so.”

The visit finished with a tour of the studio and a behind the scenes look at some of the apps Neon Play have in the pipeline.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Neon Play, it has been a real eye opener into the world of apps and the work that goes in to take an idea through development and testing, to market. I was delighted to see in the Budget the tax relief that will benefit this industry and companies like Neon Play. It is vital we support cutting edge industries like this, as in these growth markets, the UK is one of the leaders. By supporting our studios, we are supporting our economy and creating highly skilled jobs.”

Justin Tomlinson MP tries out Neon Play's ipad game Bravo Force: Last Stand

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