Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Visits Catherine Wayte Primary School

Justin Tomlinson MP meets the pupils at Catherine Wayte School

Justin Tomlinson MP today visited Catherine Wayte Primary School to meet the Head, Governors and pupils.

Having been met by Head Laura Brierley and Governor Phil Young, Justin enjoyed a tour of the school, looking in on art, maths and literacy classes, before popping in to the staff room to chat with staff on their break.

Justin later spoke to the school assembly about the different campaigns he has been running in Parliament, asking why the pupils thought he had chosen those particular issues and whether they supported the campaigns.

Sport in schools, financial education for young people, school libraries and young entrepreneurs all received approval from the pupils, with sport winning the day as Catherine Wayte’s favourite campaign.

A group of pupils had the opportunity, following assembly, to talk to Justin about their special talents and ask him questions. The pupils were eager to discuss their school council, their class eco warriors scheme to promote green issues and their link school. The pupils had recently organised a sale of Easter nests, taking responsibility for the shopping, cooking, packaging and marketing of the nests and raising £70 for their link school.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “I was extremely impressed by the talents and enthusiasm of the pupils at Catherine Wayte. Their programmes like Young Leaders, the Eco Warriors and School Council show that they are keen to go beyond the classroom and take responsibility for their school community which is fantastic.”

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