Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Visits Cirencester College To Discuss Running A Buisness As Part Of Academies Week

Justin Tomlinson MP today visited Cirencester College to talk to students about his experience in business before he entered Parliament as part of the College’s ‘Academies Week’. The Academies Week will see a string of events geared towards entrepreneurism and business.

Justin spoke with the students about his experiences of business, from the wheeling and dealing he did at school and university to running his own printing and marketing business prior to becoming an MP. He enthused the business, finance, IT and sports students with tales about undercutting the school tuck shop, the football play by mail game he ran whilst at school and selling nightclub tickets at university.

He discussed with the students some of the perceived barriers that might put them off starting their own business, like the risk of failure and the lack of guidance available, before highlighting some of the help the Government is providing – like a network of business mentors – and passing on some of the tips he picked up from running his own business.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “Businesses have got to constantly adapt and change to stay ahead, especially in difficult economic times. Young people are the perfect people to adapt old ideas and come up with new ones as they challenge the way things are done. Being technologically savvy helps too, with the internet, young people can start businesses in their bedrooms. We’ve heard all sorts of fantastic new ideas today and I hope one day we see them as thriving businesses.”

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