Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Visits Red Oaks School Assembly

Justin Tomlinson MP today visited Red Oaks Primary School in Redhouse to talk to the school assembly about the role of an MP and to help them pass their very own Bill into law.

Justin talked about the campaigns he has been pushing in Parliament – financial education, school libraries and school sports – getting the pupils to vote for their favourite. More sport in schools was the clear favourite and together, the school set about putting a Bill calling for more school sport into law.

The pupils split in half, with year 6 sitting on benches at the back to take on the role of the Select Committee putting forward their view on the idea of more sport in schools as if they had interviewed sports stars and teachers. Having been approved by Select Committee, the Bill passed (via a willing volunteer who played the role of Clerk) to the House of Commons, where more sport was approved unanimously. The Bill, however, encountered difficulties in the House of Lords where the pupils decided that how much extra sport needed to be specified. After a lot of too-ing and fro-ing between the student Commons and Lords, the Commons had no choice but to vote to overrule the Lords who were enjoying their blocking power a little too much! The Bill made provision for 6 extra hours of sport was then taken to the Queen (another willing volunteer), who gave it the Red Oaks Royal Assent.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “The hands on law making process was really good fun. The children were really getting into their respective roles, with the Lords enjoying their power to say no to the Commons, and the Commons enjoying the ability to overrule. It really brought alive how Parliament works and the excitement showed how much the pupils enjoyed it.”

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