Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Visits School Library Association

Justin Tomlinson MP with the SLA team and local school librarians

The School Library Association (SLA) were this morning delighted to welcome North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, to their new office at Kembrey Park.

The staff of the SLA, Mr Tomlinson and two local senior school librarians, Alison Slaven from Nova Hreod and Fiona Hardcastle from Dorcan Academy, enjoyed a wide ranging discussion which included the current status of school libraries and how they support the curriculum and the promotion of reading, the rise of eBooks in schools plus the forthcoming lobby of Parliament by school librarians scheduled for the 29th October.

In Parliament, Justin is Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Libraries which seeks to support and promote the vital role libraries have to play in our schools and communities.

Justin said “I am a huge supporter of school libraries – they get children in the habit of reading from a young age and provide vital support to learning in other subjects. The importance of the ‘Three Rs’ reconfirms the role libraries have to play in our schools to improve literacy.”

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