Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Visits Swindon College Public Services Students

Justin Tomlinson MP with the students

Justin Tomlinson MP today visited Swindon College to talk to the Public Services students who are currently studying their Government module about the role of an MP.

Justin spoke to the students about his average week, from votes in Parliament to visits in Swindon, quizzing them on the key political challenges of the day. Put in his shoes, the students had to vote on key issues, including gay marriage, Sunday trading, Europe and foreign aid. Following questions on cuts, bus services and fuel prices, the students were then challenged to work out how to put their ideas into practice, from cheaper train fares to cheaper fuel.

Justin also shared the issues that he has been campaigning on in Parliament – financial education, young entrepreneurs, more sport in schools and teaching children CPR. These campaigns were well received by the group who were extremely supportive.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “I was extremely impressed by the knowledge and enthusiasm of the students. They have been studying all about elections and the different layers of government and had some really good questions, from what I have done since being elected to how to get elected in the first place.”

Justin Tomlinson MP takes questions from the students

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