Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Visits Swindon College To Talk Business and Finance With Accounting Students

Justin Tomlinson MP and lecturer Gemma Godfrey with some of the Accounting and
Finance students

Justin Tomlinson MP today visited Swindon College to talk to Accounting and Finance students about his campaign in Parliament to see Financial Education made part of the national curriculum.

Justin discussed the campaign with the students, talking about how financial education would best be delivered and whether such an education would have helped them. One student had previously run her own business and remarked that if she’d had the kind of financial education at school that Justin is pressing for, her business would have certainly benefitted.

The visit was also an opportunity for Justin to share with the students his experience of his university placement year in a large company and of running a business, giving them advice and encouragement.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “I was delighted to visit this group of financially savvy students. Young people are the best people to start businesses as they question how things are done. They think they can do something better and go off and build a business doing just that. With many start up businesses failing early on due to poor accounting skills, we need to make sure that our young people have the financial skills to enable their businesses to succeed.”

The All Party Parliamentary Group for Financial Education for Young People, which Justin Tomlinson MP chairs, is the largest in Parliament.  The Group's report into the provision of financial education in schools will be published on the 12th December and will call for financial education to be made a compulsory part of the national curriculum.

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