Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Visits Swindons First Fairtrade Primary School

Justin Tomlinson MP presents the Fairtrade cake to the collage winners

Justin Tomlinson MP today visited Bridlewood Primary School to mark the school’s new status as the first Fairtrade Primary School in Swindon.

Justin congratulated the pupils on their fantastic achievement on becoming a Fairtrade school and spoke to Assembly about how their hard work and clever ideas will benefit the some of the poorest children in the world. Justin presented the Fairtrade Committee – made up of pupils from all ages in the school – with a certificate to mark the school’s new status.

Justin also awarded a delicious Fairtrade chocolate cake as a prize for the class that made the best Fairtrade collage. The award went to Cherry class who used not only sweet wrappers from Fairtrade chocolate bars, but also the skins of Fairtrade bananas to make the leaves on their collage flower.

The Assembly was Bridlewood’s ‘Good News Assembly’ where the impressive achievements within each class is recognised in front of the whole school. Justin handed out certificates for progress with spelling, reading and maths, for effort in homework and music and sports awards that children had won outside school.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “I know Bridlewood’s staff and pupils have been working together on making their school Fairtrade and it is fantastic that they have now received Fairtrade status, the first Primary School in Swindon to do so. It means that the pupils are helping some of the poorest children and communities in the world by ensuring that producers get a fair price for their products.

“I was also very impressed by all the individual successes and evident hard work that I saw when I handed out the class achievements certificates. From drama to maths, music to taekwondo, Bridlewood harbours all sorts of talents and I am delighted that these are all encouraged and nurtured.”

Justin Tomlinson MP with Bridlewood's Fairtrade Committee

Swindon Link article http://www.swindonlink.com/news/bridlewood-first-swindon-primary-to-gain-fairtrade-status

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