Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Votes to Allow Government To Trigger Article 50

Yesterday North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson voted to give the Government the authority to invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which once triggered will begin the UK’s departure from the European Union.

The vote came after a legal challenge was mounted first in the High Court and later the Supreme Court challenging whether the Government has the power to invoke Article 50 without Parliament. Following the decision of the Supreme Court last month, which ruled the government must gain the consent of Parliament before Article 50 could be invoked. Justin along with 497 other MPs voted for the bill to 114.

With the vote now passed the government will press on with their timetable for Brexit by invoking Article 50 in March, this will allow for the process to begin efficiently and without delay. Before Article 50 has been invoked the government intends to publish a ‘White Paper’ on our departure from the EU which will entail more precisely about how our negotiated exit will occur and how we will begin to take back control from the EU.

Once Article 50 has been triggered this will begin the negotiations between the UK and the European Union for a more effective trading relationship, but will also allow the UK to begin exploring potential trade opportunities with other countries once the negotiations with the EU are over.

Justin Tomlinson MP said, “I have been clear that as a party and as a government we intend to respect the wishes of the people who voted on June 23rd. Nationally and locally here in Swindon the vote was to leave and I would not be representing my constituents and the country by doing anything that does not allow this process to move forward. Parliament voted to give the people the chance to determine our future in a referendum, and I support the fact that the government is determined to honour the decision of the British public by taking this crucial step.”

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