Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Action On Dangerous Dogs

Justin Tomlinson MP today welcomed the news that as of 2016, every dog owner in England will have to microchip their animal in a move designed to tackle the problem of strays.

The microchips will be coded with owners' details, and owners who do not comply could face fines of up to £500.

Justin also welcomed the news that the Government will look at how to close a legal loophole that currently means owners whose dogs attack people on private land cannot be prosecuted.

Justin Tomlinson MP said "Many of the more tragic cases we hear about on the news of people being attacked by dogs are not attacked in parks or public spaces, but on private property.

"It is vital that the law reflects this, and that we can prosecute the owners of dangerous dogs, regardless of whether the animals inflict their damage."

Eight children and six adults have been killed in dog attacks since 2005, with many of these incidents taking place at home.  In the last 12 months, more than 3000 postal workers have been attacked by out-of-control dogs, with 70% of these attacks happening on private property.

Mr Tomlinson continued: "Compulsory microchipping with also have a significant impact on animal welfare and will help reunite some of the 100,000 dogs dumped or lost every year with their owners.  Strays currently cost the taxpayer and animal welfare charities around £57m a year and anything that can be done to ease this burden is welcome." 

Environment Secretary Owen Paterson said: "It's ludicrous that in a nation of dog-lovers, thousands of dogs are roaming the streets or stuck in kennels because the owner cannot be tracked down."

He added: "Microchipping is a simple solution that gives peace of mind to owners. It makes it easier to get their pet back if it strays and easier to trace if it's stolen."

The change in the law will be effective from 6 April 2016. Any owner whose dog is found without a chip and can be traced by local authorities will have a short period of time to have the dog microchipped.


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