Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Broadband Boost For Highworth Community

Justin Tomlinson MP visits Highworth business Bloomfields Fine Foods

Justin Tomlinson MP today welcomed the news from BT that major investment in Wiltshire will see high-speed fibre broadband roll out to Highworth.

The UK’s current average broadband speed is 7.6Mbps, but Highworth could see speeds of up to 110Mbps once fibre broadband is deployed. Internet users with a fibre broadband connection can do much more online, all at the same time. A family can download a movie, watch a TV replay service, surf the net and play games online simultaneously. A whole album can be downloaded in less than 30 seconds and a feature length HD movie in less than 10 minutes, whilst high-resolution photos can be uploaded to Facebook in seconds.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “The news of this significant investment in Highworth’s internet connection is a real boost for local residents, schools and businesses. It will see new jobs in the area and will give a major lift to the local economy.”

Over the next 15 years BT’s fibre broadband is expected to give the economy of a typical town a £143 million boost, create 225 new jobs and 140 new start-up businesses.

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