Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Capped Benefits For Families Who Dont Work

The Government’s victory in passing the Welfare Reform Bill, ensuring that no family can get more in benefits than the average working family earns, has been welcomed by Justin Tomlinson, MP for North Swindon.

Under the reforms, the benefit payments that a household on out of work benefits will be capped at £26,000 per year so that work always pays. Under Labour, households were able to receive up to £104,000 per year in Housing Benefit alone.

Labour have opposed this fair cap on benefits, voting to maintain a something for nothing culture whereby some families who don’t work get thousands of pounds more in welfare handouts than the average working family earns.

Commenting, Prime Minister David Cameron said:

‘Today marks an historic step in the biggest welfare revolution in over 60 years. This government has taken bold action to make work pay, while protecting the vulnerable. Past governments have talked about reform, while watching the benefits bill sky rocket and generations languish on the dole and dependency. This government is delivering it. Our new law will mark the end of the culture that said a life on benefits was an acceptable alternative to work.’

Justin Tomlinson MP commented:

‘In North Swindon, the average person would have to pay tax for 28 years to pay for one household to receive £104,000 in benefits a year, which could happen if Labour had their way.

‘This benefit cap shows that Conservatives are the party of fairness, standing up for hard working taxpayers. By voting against it, Labour have once again shown they are the party of something for nothing.’


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