Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Expansion Of Apprenticeship Schemes

Justin Tomlinson MP welcomed the expansion of apprenticeship schemes in a Parliamentary debate on living standards.

Speaking in the Chamber, Justin said “The welcome expansion of apprenticeship schemes is giving young people the opportunity not only to take that first step, but to learn applied, real-life skills that businesses in constituencies across the country are crying out for.”

Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, announced the expansion in his Autumn Statement on Tuesday.

In the Statement, the Chancellor announced the introduction of the Youth Contract, a £940 million package to ensure that every young person not already in work or training has the support needed to get into the workplace. This includes funding for at least 40,000 incentive payments for small firms to take on young apprentices, generating further apprenticeship places to help get young people into work.

In addition, the Youth Contract provides 160,000 wage incentives of over £2,000 each to make it easier for private sector employers to take on young people.

Work experience places are also being extended, with an extra 250,000 announced to ensure that every unemployed 18-24 year old who has been on JSA for three months has access to a work experience placement. Additional funding will also enable Jobcentre Plus to provide extra support for unemployed young people through extra advisor time, careers interviews and weekly signing. Working with the Federation of Small Businesses and other employer groups, the Government will review regulation around the provision of work experience to make it easier for businesses to provide this opportunity to young people.

The most disadvantages 16-17 year olds who are not in education, employment or training will benefit from vital extra support getting into employment or education worth £50 million a year.

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