Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Extra Investment In Local NHS & Social Care Services For This Winter

Swindon is set to receive more than three quarters of a million pounds from the Government for adult social care this winter – news which has been welcomed by North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson.

Earlier this month, Secretary of State for Health Matt Hancock, announced a £240 million social care investment to ease NHS winter pressures – and Swindon will receive £769,255 of this money.

The purpose of the investment is to help councils alleviate winter pressures on the NHS, getting patients home quicker and freeing up hospital beds across England. The funding will help to reduce delayed transfers, reduce extended lengths of stay, improve weekend discharge arrangements, and speed up the process of assessing what social care is needed for patients in hospitals.

Since February last year there has been a 39% reduction in Delayed Transfer of Care (DTOC) across the country as good relations between colleagues continue across the health and care system - meaning that local systems are working together towards common aims.

The funding is part of the £420m investment in the health and care system over winter, which also includes:

  • £145 million given to the NHS in September to boost winter resilience, which will go toward upgrading wards, redeveloping A&E departments and paying for an extra 900 beds 
  • £36.3 million awarded to ambulance trusts in June to prepare for the colder months, which will go towards buying 256 new state-of-the-art ambulances

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has also met with senior staff at the Great Western Hospital to discuss their plans for winter and the steps they are taking to ensure the Hospital can deal with its busiest period, particularly when it comes to emergency care and rehabilitation services.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “This funding will really help the NHS during its busiest time of year. It is vital the patients are able to return home as soon as they are able to, but it is also important that any support they require once returning home is also in place and the money from the Government will help see that this happens.”

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