Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Flood Prevention Work For Haydon Wick

Haydon Wick Cllr David Renard by Haydon Wick Brook

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson today welcomed news from the Environment Agency that the clearance work has started for the construction of the Haydon Wick Flood Alleviaiton scheme.

Haydon Wick has suffered from severe flooding over the last few years and following pressure from local MP Justin Tomlinson and Haydon Wick’s three local Conservative Councillors, Rex Barnett, David Renard and Claire Ellis, the Environment Agency is now acting to protect residents.

The flood alleviation scheme is being led by the Environment Agency with Swindon Borough Council and Thames Water supporting and will benefit nearly 120 homes and infrastructure in the Swindon area.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “This is excellent news for Haydon Wick residents who have suffered from repeated flooding. The three local ward Councillors have been tireless in their pursuit of securing this scheme to protect fellow local residents. It is to their credit that Swindon Borough Council, the Environment Agency and Thames Water are now working to ensure that Haydon Wick no longer has to worry about devastating flooding ruining businesses and homes.”

Cllr David Renard said "We are delighted that the final phase of Haydon Wick's flood alleviation works are now starting. Over the last few years we have secured millions of pounds of investment from Thames Water, Swindon Council and the Environment Agency to help protect residents' homes. There have been many competing presures for funding with all three organisations which could easily have been invested elsewhere so we are pleased to have secured it for our area. Residents should sleep more soundly in their beds as a result."

Keep up to date on the progress of the work at www.haydonwickintouch.com

More details about the scheme can be found from the Environment Agency at www.environment-agency.gov.uk/haydonwick


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