Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Government Support For Daylight Saving Bill

Justin Tomlinson backing the Lighter Later campaign

Today the Government announced support for the Daylight Saving Bill – calling for a change to the way we set our clocks. As a long-time supporter of the bill, and the Lighter Later campaign behind it, Justin Tomlinson MP welcomed the move having spoken in favour of the Private Members Bill last year.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “This announcement will be warmly welcomed by the road safety organisations, sporting bodies, tourism industries and community groups that make up the 80 strong coalition backing the Lighter Later campaign. Evidence suggests that moving an hour of light from the early morning to the evening could make our roads safer, cut the UK’s carbon while boosting its economy and provide more time for leisure activities and sport.”

"There's a lot further to go before we change our clocks but this announcement is a big step forward. The bill would mandate the UK Government to conduct a proper review of the evidence for and against changing the clocks. By rationally weighing up the evidence for reform, Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland have the opportunity to become safer, healthier and more prosperous countries" said Daniel Vockins, Lighter Later campaign manager."

After passing its Second Reading in parliament back in December 2010, the bill is now set to receive government backing following amendments to ensure any change only happens with the full support of the devolved administrations. In the government announcement, Business Minster Ed Davey said:

“It is only right that we at least look at what the potential economic and social benefits of any change might be. Lower road deaths, reduced carbon dioxide emissions and improved health have all been argued over the years as possible benefits. If there is strong evidence to support this then we should at least see what the possible benefits are.”

Justin Tomlinson MP was a keen supporter of the Private Members Bill last year that kick-started the debate, speaking in favour in the chamber - http://www.justintomlinson.com/news/90/

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