Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Launch Of Single Non-Emergency 101 Police Number

Justin Tomlinson MP at a local Police Point in North Swindon last year

In 2010, the British Crime Survey found that only 54 per cent of the public know how to contact their local police if they want to talk to them about policing, crime or anti-social behaviour.

Now, a single non-emergency 101 number has been rolled out to police forces across England and Wales to help the public to access the police when they need them. Already the number has taken more than two and a half million calls.

101 will give the public a memorable number for their local police to report crimes and concerns that do not require an emergency response. It will also help the police to deal more efficiently with calls for help from the public.

At 15p per call from both mobile phones and landlines, no matter how long the call or what time of day, the public will be spared the cost of traditional 0845 numbers previously used by many forces which can cost up to 40p per minute.

With only 25 per cent of 999 calls to the police requiring an emergency response, ministers and chief constables are confident that the 101 number will also ease pressure on 999 services.

Justin Tomlinson MP said "I welcome this move to roll out a single number to contact your local police.  Often it is hard to find the number and expensive to call it.  Now the number is memorable and costs a transparent 15p a call.  The 101 number will make our local police a lot more accessible to residents."

Nick Herbert, Minister for Policing and Criminal Justice, said: “The introduction of the 101 number marks one of the most significant changes in the way people contact the police since 999 was introduced nearly 70 years ago.

“The public now have an easier way to contact their local police force with a memorable number for non-emergencies. Previous plans for a national non-emergency number never materialised, but this Government has delivered a practical scheme.

“Together with street level crime mapping and the election of Police and Crime Commissioners, 101 marks another step forward in our ambition to strengthen the connection between the police and public, and cut crime.”

Commander Ian Dyson, ACPO lead on contact management, said: “Having just two phone numbers - 101 for reporting a crime that has happened, to get advice or to raise local policing issues - or 999 if it's an emergency, makes calling the police a lot easier and makes our services more accessible.

"It's also expected to reduce the number of inappropriate 999 calls the service receives, enabling us to respond to genuine emergencies more effectively.

“999 should only be used in an emergency, that is when a crime is happening, when someone suspected of a crime is nearby, or where someone is injured, being threatened or in danger. For all other matters the public should call us on 101.”


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