Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Lifting Of Hosepipe Ban

Justin Tomlinson MP today welcomed the news from Thames Water that the hosepipe ban, implemented on 5th April this year, has been lifted.

The ban was imposed by Thames Water, which supplies Swindon homes, and six other firms following the driest two-year period on record. During the ban, Thames Water’s 9m customers, including the residents of Swindon, have helped save a staggering 100 million litres of water a day.

But since we have seen two-and-a-half times the average rainfall in April, steady showers in May and further monsoon-style downpours so far in June with more forecast. This extraordinary amount of rain has eased the severity of the water shortage in the South of England.

Thames Water are, however, warning that the water shortage is not over yet.

Richard Aylard, sustainability director for Thames Water, said:

"Since we imposed the Temporary Use Ban just over two months ago, we have received an extraordinary amount of rain. We are really pleased we can now lift the ban but, with groundwater levels still low and the possibility of a third successive dry winter, we still need to be careful. We don’t need a ban, but we do need to ask everyone to keep on using water wisely.”

Justin Tomlinson MP said “I met recently with Thames Water to discuss the shortage situation. Whilst customers have been busy trying to save water where they can, Thames Water have been busy reducing the wastage caused by leaks.

“It is good news for Swindon residents that the chronic water shortage has improved, but despite the awful weather we’ve been having, levels are still low so we all still need to be careful with how we use water.”

You can find out more about current water levels at http://www.thameswater.co.uk/cps/rde/xchg/corp/hs.xsl/12826.htm and order your free water saving devices at www.thameswater.co.uk/freebies

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