Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Meningitis Petition Success

Justin Tomlinson MP signs the petition last October

Justin Tomlinson MP has today welcomed the news that the Meningitis Trust petition calling for better assessments for meningitis survivors has reached its target of 10,000 signatures.

The campaign behind the petition calls for automatic assessments and appropriate educational support to become routine for every child who survives meningitis. Many children may appear to have made a full recovery but are often left with psychological and neurological problems that may go unrecognised. These children can be left struggling at school and deprived of the educational support they need.

The petition has to date, over 12,000 signatories and counting and will be presented to Downing Street on the 7th July.
Justin Tomlinson MP signed the petition at its parliamentary launch last October http://www.justintomlinson.com/news/256/.
Justin said “It is great news that this petition has passed its target of 10,000 signatures. This is a testament to the resonance that this issue clearly has and the importance of the issue to many people. We are now a step closer to seeing the right support targeted at survivors of this terrible illness.”

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