Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes New Disabled Parking Bays At Swindon Train Station

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed news that there are eight new disabled parking bays in the short stay car park, double the number that there were previously.

This outcome follows a request made by Justin Tomlinson MP, the former Minister for Disabled People, last year to improve disability access to the station. The spaces also come after a new disability lift to all platforms was installed earlier this year.

In March, Justin joined the Rail Minister, Paul Maynard, to view the recent improvements to the station and champion the Access for All project. This is a major programme improving accessibility at train stations nationwide by installing lifts, ramps and making the travelling experience more comfortable for disabled users and people with less mobility.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “This is excellent news for residents across Swindon. As the former Minister for Disabled People the issue of accessibility is very important and something I have always campaigned for. I was very pleased to see Swindon station make this their priority and the results are excellent. The creation of eight new disabled parking bays near the station is a fantastic improvement for GWR’s less mobile customers and is an excellent step forward to making the Great Western accessible for all. A big thank you to GWR for making this happen and also to the residents who have contacted me on this issue. I am glad this has now been resolved for them.”  

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