Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Opening Of New College Extension

Justin Tomlinson MP and Robert Buckland MP with Principal Graham
Taylor (right) and rugby star Matt Dawson (left)

Justin Tomlinson MP this evening joined his South Swindon colleage Robert Buckland, rugby star Matt Dawson, parents, pupils and staff at the opening of the new annexe at New College.  New College principal Graham Taylor welcomed the opening and the new facilities the college can now provide to the local community.

The £10m extension, which has taken a year to complete, houses new specialist areas in business and enterprise, sciences and maths and hair and beauty.  It has also enabled the extension of student recreational facilities and the specialist learning centre.  The cafeteria has been enlarged and the college's student services now has a large 'one-stop shop' to help students, providing them with information, advice and guidance on careers and university entry.

Justin Tomlinson MP said "I am delighted to see the opening of the new annexe at New College and the facilities it will provide.  As a former small business owner I know how important it is that colleges provide students with the skills the local job market are looking for and I am confident that new facilities at New College will really help them do that.  I am particularly pleased to see the specialist business and enterprise facilities as I am really keen to see more young people choosing to start their own businesses, providing jobs and the opportunities for the generation to follow them." 

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