Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes School Libraries Rally

Justin Tomlinson MP welcomed a number of School Librarians from around the country ahead of their Parliamentary rally. Justin then joined CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) to meet with the Minister Liz Truss MP. Justin is the Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Libraries and a former school librarian.

‘We believe that every child should have access to the resources and benefits of a school library and professional librarian regardless of their social, economic or geographic situation.’

• One of the Government’s priorities is for all children to read daily for pleasure; they have also stated that they believe every school should have a well-stocked library.
• Research shows that children who have access to a school library and who read for pleasure reach higher levels of attainment in all subjects. It also impacts on their social and emotional behaviour.
• UK literacy levels are falling. One in three children does not own a book; 22% of children/young people rarely or never read in their own time.
• The best way to encourage children to read for pleasure is by “free voluntary reading” – giving them access to a wide range of reading material and letting them choose.
• A well-stocked library in every school would give every child access to such a wide range of resources, together with the benefits and services that only a library and professional librarian can provide.
• Despite all this, school libraries are NOT statutory. Some schools have well-stocked libraries; others have nothing. This is wrong.

“The meeting with the Minister Liz Truss MP was extremely productive. Liz is very supportive of the role school libraries play and she has asked us to gather further evidence of the current situation and challenges faced to help the Government look at ways to progress.”

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