Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Swindon's Inclusion On Olympic Torch Route

Justin Tomlinson MP with the Olympic Torch at a 2010 event in Westminster

The torch will be carried through the town by local torchbearers on Wednesday 23rd May 2012. The torchbearers will be chosen based on their inspiring stories and achievements and all applicants will find out if they are one of the lucky few in early December. The aim is to find young people with passion in areas like sport, music, dance, their communities and the environment to carry the torch and share their zeal with their communities.

Swindon is one of the 1,018 villages, towns and cities on the UK route meaning that 95% of the population will be within just 10 miles of the Olympic Flame next summer. 154 of these communities are within the South West and the street by street detail of the route will be confirmed next year.

Justin Tomlinson said “I am delighted that the Olympic Flame will be coming to Swindon in 2012. I wish all Swindon’s entrants into the torchbearers competition good luck and look forward to seeing their passions and talentson display in May. Having the Olympic Flame coming to all our local communities is a great way to inspire young people to take up sports and activities to become our next generation of Olympians.”

The torch will also visit the local communities of Chiseldon and Wroughton on the same day. The full UK wide list of the confirmed 1,018 villages, towns and cities can be found here and online at www.london2012.com/olympictorchrelay

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