Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP Welcomes Town Centre Boost

Justin Tomlinson MP at a retailers forum he set up for Town Centre businesses

Swindon’s new ‘Town Team’ was given an official blessing yesterday as Minister for Housing, Mark Prisk MP, announced it had been signed up for central government support, enabling Swindon to create a more successful and innovative town centre.

Minister for Housing Mark Prisk MP confirmed that Swindon would be one of the UK’s first official Town Teams, and said “There's a real hunger in town centres across the country for them to be revitalised and remain attractive places to visit. So I'm delighted that from today over 300 Town Team Partners will begin to receive a package of support that helps them breathe new life into their high streets. By putting the Swindon Town Team forward as a Town Team Partner, you have ensured that real progress can be made.”

The Town Team, which includes local organisations such as Swindon Borough Council, Forward Swindon, inSwindon, GWE The Initiative (Business West), commercial property agents Whitmarsh Lockhart and Alder King, and Justin Tomlinson MP, took the decision to form the new strategic delivery group following a government-commissioned report compiled by television’s ‘Queen of Shops’ Mary Portas, and recently outlined its objectives to the Communities and Local Government.

The group aims to deliver three key initiatives – the creation of an enhanced public space at Regent Circus; to work with landlords and property managers to identify uses for vacant units that will visually improve the high street; and to create the right environment for a sustainable market for young entrepreneurs that will promote local enterprise and bring the younger generation back to the heart of their community.

To achieve this, the Town Team has been awarded £10,000 to help put its plans into action. It also has access to a support package that the Association of Town Centre Management has prepared for Town Team Partners. The package aims to promote shared learning and best practice with the help of retail experts and other town teams from across the country.

Justin Tomlinson MP for North Swindon commented: “That Swindon has achieved Town Team status is a real boost for our Town Centre. The Government recognises that it is not just the additional funds that this brings that can make the difference to a High Street, but also the fact that it brings everyone around a table, united by a single plan and driving towards the same goal. In Swindon we exemplify this, with the Council, BID, Forward Swindon and retailers all working together for the future of our Town. With the first wave of regeneration underway at the old Swindon College site, close working is vital to ensure that regeneration delivers the changes that Swindon wants to see.”

Simon Jackson, inSwindon BID Chief Executive and Town Team Chair, stated that it was the first time that the private and public sectors have come together to create an enhanced town centre space for all. “This can only be a good thing for Swindon, and with the strong and strategic team that we have put together with a clear focus on delivery, I am very confident for the future success of the local high street”.

Ian Piper, Chief Executive of Forward Swindon, the company responsible for delivering economic development and regeneration on behalf of Swindon Borough Council, welcomed the news: “The Swindon Town Team have worked really positively to ensure a range of imaginative solutions to assist our town centre – in line with the Portas recommendations. These ideas and others will provide a much needed boost for the high street.”

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