Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Urges Fellow Local Residents To Support Swindon Carers Centre

Newly re-elected MP Justin Tomlinson attended the annual “Walk a Mile in a Carer’s Shoes” event organised by Swindon Carers Centre at the weekend, helping to kick start 2017 Carers Week, which runs from the 12th-18th June.

In Swindon there are over 21,000 carers and each year Carers' Week is an important time to raise awareness of caring, highlighting the challenges that carers face every day and recognising the contribution they make to families, as well as the local community here in Swindon.

Justin has been a long standing supporter of Swindon Carers Centre, attending the walk each year, having regular meetings with representatives and most recently hosting the Swindon Young Carers at his office for a number of enjoyable workshops.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It was fantastic to get back into the swing of things after a busy election campaign and what better way to do so than join the annual carers walk, something which both Robert and I take part in every year. Swindon Carers work hard to raise the profiles of local carers so carers have a voice in influencing policy makers. They also ensure that carers are looked after themselves and I really appreciate the opportunities they provide for people like me to say thank you for the incredible work that they do, most of which often goes unsung.”

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