Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Visits Draycott Sports Camp To Meet Inspirational Oscar

 North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has praised the inclusivity of Draycott Sports Camp following a recent visit.
Draycott Sports Camp runs activities throughout the summer holidays to provide childcare and help keep children active and engaged during the school break. Last week Justin met with owner Mark Draycott for a catch up and to see the sport camp in action.
While at the sport camp, Justin met Oscar – a little boy with Down’s Syndrome and a pacemaker in his abdomen to manage two holes in his heart. Despite his health issues Oscar fully participated in all the activities, supported and encouraged by Draycott Sports Camp staff – as well as the other children taking part.
Justin Tomlinson said “It was truly inspiring to see Oscar thoroughly enjoying himself and running around with all the other children. As Minister for Disabled People, Work and Health, I have met many people with disabilities who tell me they want more opportunities to play sport in an inclusive environment, alongside their disabled and non-disabled peers. It is great to see Draycott Sports Camp can provide these opportunities to children like Oscar.”  
Accompanying Justin on the visit was work experience student from Cirencester College, Maria Bartucca.
As part of her experience in Justin’s office, Maria wrote the following account of the visit:
Justin went to Draycott Sports Camp to visit and see the work being done. Draycott Sports camp, established in 2014, aims to encourage children to be more active with a fun and friendly environment. This helps to engage children on a physical level and helps to engage them and improve their skills and abilities. One of the key things that stands out about Draycott sports camp is how inclusive and welcoming both the staff, volunteers and children are no matter what the ability of the participants.
The sports camp offers a wide range of sports for the children and helps to develop social skills, physical abilities and leadership skills. The health and wellbeing of the children is promoted across the camp and focuses on developing the talents of children. The camp is very inclusive and quality childcare is ensured across the camp. The children are introduced to a wide range of sports including dodgeball, lacrosse and basketball.
Justin specifically went to visit the camp to meet with Oscar. As Justin is the Minister of State for Disabled People, it is important to see the work that is being done to create a more inclusive environment for those who are challenged with disabilities.
Draycott Sports Camp provides childcare for those with additional educational needs and who are challenged with autism, ADHD, visual and hearing impairments and other disabilities. Oscar has Down Syndrome; however, this does not stop him from participating in activities with the children who take part in the camp.
The children are very supportive of Oscar within the camp and help to maintain the welcoming and vibrant atmosphere Draycott is known for. The activities within Draycott have improved Oscar’s physical capabilities and his social skills.
Draycott Sports Camp maintains a very friendly atmosphere led by the community. This is done under the leadership of Mark Draycott, who owns the sports camp. He and the other coaches are able to promote and allow a fun and inclusive atmosphere.

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