Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Visits Thamesdown Hydrotherapy Pool


Justin Tomlinson MP today visited the Thamesdown Hydrotherapy Pool off Wheeler Avenue to see first hand the service that the facility offers to local residents.

The Pool has to raise £30-50k a year to keep the doors open, but were faced with the need to replace the Centre's ventilation system at a cost of nearly £100k.  They managed to raise the money but their normal fundraising has taken a hit.

The Centre offers one of the largest hydrotherapy pools in the South-West and also has a hydrotherapy jacuzzi.  The water is heated to 37 degrees to allow those who are less mobile to exercise in the water without getting cold.  

Users have to be referred via their GP to access the service, but the Centre are appealing for local residents to  ask their GPs if they feel they could benefit from hydrotherapy.

Justin Tomlinson MP said "This is a really fantastic facility and one of Swindon's hidden gems.  I urge local residents who think that they would benefit from hydrotherapy to speak to their GP."

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