Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Welcomes £14 Billion Funding Boost For Schools


North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the Government’s announcement of a £14bn cash boost for schools.


The Prime Minister’s announcement will mean that every school will get a real terms funding rise next year. Every secondary school will receive an increased minimum of £5,000 per pupil next year, and every primary school will get a minimum of £3,750 from 2020-21 and £4,000 per pupil from 2021-22.


Children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities will receive an extra £700 million, so every pupil can access the education that is right for them, and none are held back from reaching their potential.


Further education and sixth form colleges will receive £400 million additional funding to train and teach our young people the skills they need for well-paid jobs in the modern economy.


The Government has pledged to move ahead with the implementation of its National Funding Formula, delivering promised gains in full for areas which have been historically under-funded.


The Prime Minister has also pledged to meet the £4.5 billion requirement for teachers’ pensions from outside the education budget. This means that every penny of the extra £14 billion will go straight to schools and to delivering the best educational outcomes for our children.


Justin Tomlinson said: “I am delighted that the Prime Minister has delivered on his pledge to level up per pupil funding across the country, so that every child has a world class education. This builds on the work done by the Government to improve standards in schools – where we have seen 1.9 million more children in schools rated ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted, along with a record numbers of students from disadvantaged backgrounds attending university today.”


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