Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Welcomes Boundary Commission Proposals For Swindon

Justin Tomlinson MP has reassured residents that proposed changes to the boundaries of parliamentary constituencies will be minimal.

Draft plans published by the Independent Boundary Commissions of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will see the number of seats in the Commons reduce from 650 to 600.

The Commission has recommended very minor changes in Swindon, with two council wards which are currently divided by constituency lines being moved either side of the new boundary line.

Mannington & Western ward would move entirely into South Swindon, and the whole Covingham & Dorcan ward would become part of North Swindon.

The proposed changes would see the Even Swindon area become part of the South Swindon constituency represented by Robert Buckland MP, while the area including Faraday Park, Liden Drive and Edison Road would be represented by Justin in the North Swindon constituency.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It wasn’t a surprise to us at all. A small part of Covingham and Dorcan ward will go to me and Robert will take a large part of Mannington and Western ward from me. Due to the expansion in the Northern quarter of Swindon I had a few thousand more residents in my constituency and this needed to be evened up with Robert’s constituency. The Boundaries Commission Department has realised that local wards should not be split. From a Swindon perspective hardly anything changes. Robert and I will continue to serve our constituencies as we always have done.”

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