Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Welcomes Consultation To Introduce Opt-Out System For Organ Donation

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has welcomed the start of the Government’s consultation on plans to introduce an opt-out system for organ donation.

Currently, 80% of people say they would be willing to donate their organs but only 36% register to become an organ donor.

There are 6,500 people on the UK transplant list. In 2016-17 there were 1,169 deceased organ donors resulting in 3,293 transplants in England. While this was the highest ever rate of organ donation, there continues to be more people waiting for transplants than there are organs available. It is thought than an opt-in system could mean more donor organs for the people who need them and more lives saved.

In particular there are difficulties finding suitable organs for Black and Ethnic Minority Communities, and the new opt-out system aims to fulfil the Government’s manifesto commitment to increase organ donation to BAME communities.

The consultation will run for twelve weeks to ensure that as many people as possible can respond and have their say on how a new system should be implemented.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “Every day three people die waiting for a donor organ, which is why the plans to transform the way organ donation works are so important. Donation rates are increasing, reflecting public support for donation. The point of the consultation is to give an opportunity for all views to be heard, but we do need to increase organ donation rates in order to save lives.”

You can take part in the consultation via: https://engage.dh.gov.uk/organdonation/?utm_source=NHS-BT&utm_term=12-12-2017&utm_content=ConsultationPage 

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