Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Welcomes EWIF To Westminster

Local MP, Justin Tomlinson, has welcomed a dozen members of the 'Encouraging Women Into Franchising' (EWIF) group to Westminster to discuss business opportunities for women.

EWIF seek to encourage women to consider buying a franchise, support women with existing businesses to franchise them and to help existing franchisors to attract more women into their franchise. During the visit the group discussed a number of issues ranging from the benefits of franchising, to business rate reform and entrepreneurial education for young people. Justin also had the opportunity to outline his work supporting small business in Parliament in his capacity as Vice-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Retail.

More than 300,000 small and medium-sized businesses have been started since the last election and Swindon in particular has seen one of the highest levels of businesses starting-up any where in the country. In addition, the Small Business Rate Relief Scheme, which has seens rates frozen for businesses, has benefitted more than 1,000 businesses across Swindon, whilst initiatives such as the National Insurance Contributions cut mean that

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "It's fantastic to welcome EWIF to Westminster to discuss business and franchising. Small and medium-sized businesses are leading the economic recovery and, as we turn the corner, it's fantastic to have the opportunity to meet groups such as this to discuss where we can go next. EWIF have some fantastic ideas for getting more women involved in business and I look forward to working with them".


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