Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Welcomes Gorse Hill School To Parliament

North Swindon MP Justin welcomed children from Gorse Hill School to Parliament as part of the Parliamentary Education Programme.

The programme aims to help the students participating learn about Parliament, its history and important role it plays in upholding our democracy.

The Group enjoyed a behind the scenes tour of The Houses of Parliamament, seeing some of its iconic features - such as the 900 year old Westminster Hall, the Sovereign's Throne in the the House of Lords, and the green benches and Prime Minister's Disptach Box in the House of Commons.

Following the tour the children met Justin himself at the Education Centre, where they had the opporunity to quiz him about his time as the MP. Justin was also able to talk about life in Westminster and how he supports people in North Swindon.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "It was a pleasure to meet the students from Gorse Hill School, they asked some brilliant questions and I was delighted to see how much they enjoyed the day. They were a real credit to their school.

I always enjoy welcoming schools to parliament and meeting the children - I feel it is so important they understand and appreciate the important role Parliament plays in the UK. It is amazing to think that standing exactly where the Prime Minister delivers his speeches may inspire them to become Prime Minister themselves one day!"

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