Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Welcomes Haydon Wick Students Approval Of School Sports Bill

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has delivered another one of his parliamentary-special school assemblies this week, this time at Haydon Wick Primary School.

Justin joined the whole school for their assembly where he divided the whole room into two sections – with half of the pupils acting as MPs in the House of Commons, and the second half acting as Lords & Baronesses in the House of Lords. Stickers were distributed to distinguish between the two and there was much excitement as pupils debated the issue of school sports, with a draft bill being passed between both houses before it was finalised and voted on. Thankfully, this time, the Queen was happy to grant Royal Assent, thus bypassing the problem of a potential constitutional crises.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I really enjoy doing my school assemblies as it provides a basic way of explaining how the parliamentary process works by encouraging participation and (hopefully) avoiding any boredom! The idea is to let pupils act out democracy themselves and gain an insight into how decisions which affect our Country are made. There always ends up being a lot of noise and excitement – not dissimilar to the actual House of Commons!”

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