Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Welcomes Health Infrastructure Plans

A new strategic approach which aims to improve hospitals and health infrastructure has been announced by the Government, news which has been welcomed by North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson.
The Health Secretary Matt Hancock this week announced the launch of the Health Infrastructure Plan, which aims to help critical health infrastructure and enable the NHS to provide better quality of care for patients.
Forming the biggest public investment in hospital infrastructure in a generation, the plan includes provision for 40 new hospitals over the next 10 years – with funding already committed for 6 new hospitals, as well as seed funding to support the initial stage of a further 34 building projects.
The Health Infrastructure Plan (HIP) includes:

•             £2.7bn for 6 new hospital projects to be delivered in our first phase of major new hospitals

•             Seed funding to provide support for 21 major projects comprising 34 hospital sites to go to the next stage of developing their plans to be delivered in the second phase of major hospital rebuilds, subject to business case approval and future spending reviews. Other projects will be able to bid into this and other future waves too.

•             £200m investment for state-of-the-art MRI, CT and breast cancer screening machines, to update or replace our most out of date diagnostic equipment, across over 80 Trusts.
As part of the rolling investment programme, it has been confirmed that there will be future phases of HIP. The NHS will have opportunities to put forward and bid for further new hospital projects, as part of determining which new additional schemes should be prioritised and taken forward. 
In January, the NHS published its Long Term Plan, and alongside we provided a £33.9bn increase in funding for the day-to-day running of the NHS. This was followed by a further £2.1bn increase in NHS capital this August.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock said: “I am delighted to be taking these steps to help ensure that the critical health infrastructure is always there for you, and enable the NHS to provide better quality of care for patients.”
Justin Tomlinson said: “I very much welcome the Health Infrastructure Plan, which will ensure that money invested in the NHS will be spent in the most effective way, when and where it is needed most. As a Government we are investing a record amount into the NHS, including here in Swindon. Myself and South Swindon MP Robert Buckland will continue to seek additional funding for the GWH, following on from the recent announced if the proposed expansion of the A&E and radiotherapy unit.”

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