Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Welcomes Improvements To GWR's Cycle Reservation System

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed Great Western Railway's improvements to its cycle reservation system.

Following concerns raised by residents, GWR has been working on improvements to the system. Cyclists informed the company that the new compulsory reservations on High Speed Trains were an issue for those commuters who did not know their time of travel before they set off for the station, especially for return journies.  It was also felt that an online booking option would be more helpful.

As a result, GWR has agreed that a new online booking system will be introduced, and that reservations will be allowed to be made right up until a train arrives. The technology to make these changes has taken longer than expected to put in place, but the new system is now being piloted with a number of cycle groups and individual cyclists.  

The pilot should conclude in September so that the new booking system can be launched by early October. This will mean that simpler, more immediate reservations are possible before the new ten car Intercity Express trains start into passenger service this Autumn.

Reservations made in advance (even an hour or so ahead) will give cyclists greater reassurance that they can use the train of their choice, though it will be possible to reserve even five minutes ahead of the train’s arrival.  The new system will mean late loading of cycles will be avoided and provide a modern, cycle friendly service to the public.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I welcome the improvements to the cycle reservation system. Many cyclists in Swindon will hugely appreciate this flexibility, and it is one of many changes that GWR are making to improve services. I’m sure it will be an excellent development and look forward to seeing it in action in October.”

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