Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Welcomes Latest Positive New On Jobs

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed new figures showing 1,393 fewer people in Swindon claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance compared to 2010 - a drop of over 60%. This means more people in work, with the security of a good job and a regular pay packet so they can provide for themselves and their families. 

Across the UK, there are 2.1 million more people at work than at the end of thirteen years of a Labour Government.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "Conservatives are committed to achieving full employment, so everyone who wants to work can have the security of a regular pay-packet. It is the best route out of poverty, and getting more good jobs across the UK means we can renew our country as a place where people who work hard and do the right thing are able to get on. It’s excellent news that 1,393 fewer people are relying on Jobseeker’s Allowance in Swindon – that’s more families here with the stability and security of a regular pay packet. This is thanks to the hard work and the determination of people here, and the Conservatives’ strong leadership and clear economic plan, which is committed to building a Britain that offers working people security at every stage of their life.’


Key statistics 

  • More than 1,000 jobs have been created every day since Labour were in power.
  • Britain has created more jobs than the rest of Europe put together.
  • The private sector has created over 2.3 million jobs since Labour were in power.
  • Unemployment is down 683,000 on the 2010 election with the number of people in work up 2.1 million.
  • There are more women in work than ever before.
  • The number of young people without a job has fallen by 140,000 over the last year.


Labour always try and tell Britain that all these jobs are part-time, insecure and poorly paid - here’s the truth:

  • Over the last year 80 per cent of the jobs created have been full-time.
  • Over two-thirds of the rise in employment over the past year has been outside London and the South East.
  • Around one in 50 people in work are on zero-hours contracts. Unlike the last Labour Government, who did nothing, we have taken action to clamp down on abuses by banning exclusivity contracts.
  • The most comprehensive measure of living standards, which takes account of our tax cuts, shows living standards are higher now than in 2010 – with the average household forecast to be £900 better off in 2015 than in 2010.


It was Labour that left people with fewer jobs and fewer opportunities:

  • The number of people without a job increased by one million in Labour’s last term in office.
  • The number of people on unemployment benefit rose by 82 per cent in Labour’s last term.
  • Youth unemployment rose by 45 per cent under Labour – meaning young people were not getting the skills they need to get on in life.
  • The number of households where no member had ever worked doubled under Labour.

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