Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Welcomes New £50,000 Funding For Swindon Rugby Club

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has welcomed the news that Swindon Rugby Club has secured major Olympic legacy funding from Sport England’s Inspired Facilities fund.

Sport England has revealed that more than 1,300 local sports projects across the country have now received National Lottery funding through Inspired Facilities, part of its Olympic and Paralympic legacy programme.

Swindon Club will receive £50,000 of National Lottery funding to upgrade the changing facilities at the club, which has helped thousands of local young people get into sport since it opened its doors in 1895. The improvements include new showers, benching, heating, boilers, redecoration and changes to the layout. 

Justin has actively supported the Club and has pledged to work with sports clubs across the town in their pursuit of funding.

Club President, Dave Berry, said: “We are delighted to have secured this investment, which means we can upgrade the quality of our premises to match the quality of our rugby coaches. It is the cornerstone of our strategy to have an outstanding club for the 2012 Olympics’ legacy.”

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “Sport England have rightly recognised and supported the fantastic work of Swindon Rugby club who are delivered real opportunities for young people in our community.  These new top class training facilities will be a real boost for the club and the town"

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