Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Welcomes New Package Of Government Measures To Support Disabled People

A new drive to tackle barriers faced by disabled people has been welcomed by North Swindon MP, and Minister for Disability, Work and Health, Justin Tomlinson.

The Prime Minster this week announced a package of measures to tackle injustices faced by disabled people in the workplace, at home and in the community.

To address the issue of disabled people living in unsuitable homes, the Government will consult on mandating higher accessibility standards for new homes – which could help deliver up to 300,000 new accessible and adaptable homes every year.

In addition to this the Government is also publishing guidance to help councils meet current standards for accessible housing in England.

The Prime Minister also announced that the Government will be consulting on new measures to help employers better support disabled people and those with long-term health conditions.

Ideas being consulted on include reforming Statutory Sick Pay so it is better enforced, is more flexible to encourage a phased return to work, and covers the lowest paid. In addition to this the consultation will look at offering small and medium employers a conditional rebate to support those who manage staff on sickness absence and help them get back to work.

A new cross-government disability team is also being set up, which will sit alongside the Government Equalities Office and Race Disparity Unit in a new Equalities Hub at the heart of government.

This team will work closely with disabled people, disabled people’s organisations and charities to develop a new approach to disability, with their views and experiences at the forefront of any new policy.

The Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd also announced a Green Paper to explore how to improve support for those on disability benefits; and will be working closely with disabled people’s organisations and charities to ensure they are at the centre of Government policy.

Other proposals include:

  • New employee rights to request workplace modifications on health grounds

  • New metrics to compare how well companies deliver for disabled customers in essential markets, such as energy, broadband and water.

  • New research to ensure disabled people are at the heart of future Government policy, to be published early next year

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I am very pleased with today’s announcements, which go a long way to addressing some of the difficulties faced by disabled people. I am pleased the Government is working with disabled people’s charitites and organisations, as it is important that they are kept at the centre of Government policy."

Prime Minister Theresa May said: “My determination to identify and tackle injustices, wherever they exist in society, remains as strong as ever. So I am proud to announce new measures to break down barriers faced by disabled people, whether in employment, housing or elsewhere. We all have a crucial role – businesses, government and civil society - in working together to ensure that disabled people get the support they need, and go as far as their talents can take them.”

Work and Pensions Secretary, Amber Rudd MP, said: “Disabled people encounter too many challenges in life and I want to see these end. We want to change the landscape for disabled people and to make sure there is always a level playing field for them. Because all of us need an equal chance to live a life of opportunity and fulfilment. We intend to support disabled people in all phases of their life so that the pursuit of equality is a shared goal.”

Richard Kramer, Chief Executive for the disability charity Sense, said: “Today’s announcement is a significant one for disabled people, and addressing the inequalities they face. For too long now, disability policy has been focused on what benefits or services disabled people do or don’t access, rather than the lives they want, and have a right to lead. Equality for disabled people is everyone’s business and cuts across all areas of policy and life, which is why we have been calling for and welcome this new cross government approach. We know that today is just the beginning of the journey, but we look forward to working with the government as this work takes shape, and ensuring it is led by and centres around disabled people to truly deliver meaningful change.”

Mark Hodgkinson, Chief Executive at disability equality charity Scope, said: “Continued action from government to tackle the barriers Britain’s 14 million disabled people face is welcome. Making workplaces more flexible, improving market regulation and government coordination are positive steps in the right direction. We know that half of disabled people feel excluded from society , and are too often shut out of work. Life also costs more if you are disabled, and Scope research shows that these costs add up to on average £583 a month. We have long-called for a concerted effort from government to improve the lives of disabled people in this country. It is therefore positive to see recognition from government that a joined up approach is needed and necessary.”


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