Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Welcomes Swindon Headteacher To Parliament To Meet With The Schools Minister

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed Swindon Academy & Nova Hreod executive headteacher Ruth Robinson to Parliament to meet with the Schools Minister and discuss the work being done to provide every child with an opportunity to reach their full potential.

Last year, the Schools Minister Nick Gibb visited Swindon and saw first hand the work Ruth and teachers at Swindon Academy were doing to provide students with the best start in life. In particular, the Minister heard about Swindon Academy’s grammar stream link up with Marlborough College.

The Academy has partnered with the top independent school to provide places for 30 students each year to enjoy a highly academic curriculum. The scheme is aimed at pupils who consistently achieve at Level 5 or higher in Primary School and who are hardworking and committed to the additional homework and prep needed to achieve outstanding academic results.

Ruth and the Minister had a long conversation about the work being done locally and nationally to drive up standards and ensure that every child reaches their full potential, regardless of their background.

Alongside providing an update on progress regarding the grammar stream programme - which is proving very popular with teachers, parents & pupils - Ruth also set out the work United Learning (the Multi Academy Trust which Swindon Academy & Nova Hreod are part of) is doing to link up with other local schools so that every child can benefit.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "It was a pleasure to welcome Ruth Robinson to Parliament to discuss the work being done in Swindon to give every student the opportunity reach their full potential. I am very proud that Swindon’s schools are at the heart of shaping policy and demonstrating best practise, so I was delighted Ruth was able to visit and spend lots of time with the Minister sharing her experiences of what works."


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