Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Welcomes Swindon's Local Police and Crime Plan

Justin Tomlinson MP today welcomed the launch of Swindon’s Police and Crime Plan.

The draft plan, published by Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner for Swindon and Wiltshire, Angus Macpherson is available online for people to comment on. 

The views of local residents will play a part in shaping the final version, which will set the strategic direction of policing in Swindon and Wiltshire for the next four years.

It includes the key initiatives that Angus wishes to implement locally: 

  • Strengthening neighbourhood policing by creating Safer Neighbourhood Teams
  • Greater police officer visibility, including more foot patrols, within our communities
  • Launching a £1 million innovation fund
  • Setting up quarterly victim forums and victims panels
  • Enhancing the quality of service people receive when they contact Wiltshire Police
  • Reducing the current re-offending rate by commissioning services which support those leaving prison

Justin Tomlinson MP said “For the first time ever, fellow local residents have a direct say in the way our Town is policed.  If you have concerns about issues that you think the police should be tackling, this is your chance to put those forward.  I would urge everyone to do so to ensure that the Police work more than ever in the interests of our local communities.”

Angus said “This is an important document and I strongly encourage you to visit the website (www.wiltshire-pcc.gov.uk) to read the draft plan and submit your comments.  There is also an executive summary and each section of the plan can be downloaded separately.  Printed copies of my draft Plan are available on request by contacting my office on 01380 734 022, or emailing pcc@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk.”

The consultation will run until 10th March 2013.  All feedback will be considered before the final plan is published at the end of March.

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