Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Justin Welcomes The Duchess Of Cornwall To North Swindon Library

School children from Swindon met the Duchess of Cornwall as she visited North Swindon Library to present the Swindon Voice Award.

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson welcomed the Duchess to the library and also attended the event. The visit was organised by the National Literacy Trust – a charity which works with schools and communities to ensure that children have the literacy skills they need to succeed.

While at the Library the Duchess heard poems written by the children as part of The National Literacy Trust’s 'Lost Words Competition' – which challenged local children to write poems inspired by nature words and Wiltshire dialect. The winners of the competition were presented with their prize by the Duchess – who herself read a poem by a Wiltshire poet.

Justin has worked closely with the National Literacy Trust since he was elected in 2010, and last year opened its National Literacy Hub in Swindon. The Hub will aim to bring together local partners to tackle issues in communities where low literacy levels are seriously impacting on people’s lives. He has also launched its summer reading challenge in Parliament and hosted a ‘Reading Counts’ event in his Community office.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It was fantastic to see the children so excited to meet a member of the Royal Family and show their poems off to the Duchess. Literacy is so important, and the work the National Literacy Trust does is vital in promoting this.”

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